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Soul Journeys (2)

Embark on a creative journey of self-exploration and healing with
Soul Journeys: Unveil Your Personal Mythologies Through Intuitive Collage

6-week online course | $247.00


"Working with Minette helped me find my voice, discover my truth and inner power, come back to myself and what matters most, and to feel connected to my most authentic self. Finding my truth was the most important thing I could do for myself." - Connie J. 

Wondering where to go next on your personal journey of self-exploration and healing?

Your Soul Journey begins with YOUR personal mythology, the collection of fundamental stories that help you make sense of the world. Your personal myths hold the origins of all your beliefs, fears, rules, dreams and passions.

In this self-guided online course, you will explore your most impactful life stories and discover the archetypes that are currently active as the heroes or villains of your personal mythology.

Knowing your story gives you a rich understanding of who you are and identifies clear pathways to who you wish to become.

In Soul Journeys you will:

  • Create insightful collages that unveil who the heroes and villains are in your personal stories.

  • Cultivate a habit of creativity and self-expression through intuitive collage.

  • Learn what your creative superpowers are and how they support your vision (or hinder it!)

  • Uncover personal mythologies hidden within your subconscious. What’s lurking in the shadows ready to be revealed?

  • Discover the creative kryptonite that gets in the way of you refining the next chapter of your life.


If you are curious about using intuitive collage for self-discovery and healing but are unsure how to get started, where to find images and how to interpret the images and themes that emerge, you are in the right place! Here's what we will cover in each module. 

Module1 (2)

Introduction to Intuitive Collage

Learn what intuitive collage is and how to tap into intuition to create meaningful & insightful work. Create your first intuitive collage and experience how it can be a powerful tool for self-discovery.

Module1 (2)

Gathering Inspiration, Materials and Stories

Start crafting your personal mythology of stories, images, words, and materials as you prepare for your Soul Journey. Explore the origins of your creative superpower and your kryptonite!

Module1 (3)

Creating Soul Journey Collages with Intuition

Learn to let go of control and trust your instincts when composing your collages. Create meaningful work that connects you to your Soul Journey. See yourself in the mirror of your artwork.

Module1 (4)

Reflecting and Journaling: How to Interpret Individual Collages

Delve deeper into the meanings behind your collages and emotions through reflective writing and internal dialogue. Create a personal dictionary of symbols, images, heroes and villains.

Module1 (5)

Mapping your Soul Journey with your Intuitive Collage

See the story of you emerge as you look at the collages. How do they connect, interact and inspire a new vision for your future self? Practice mapping your soul journey and documenting the stories.

Module1 (6)

Integration and Transformation

Learn how to integrate insights from the collages into your daily life and embrace the transformation that has taken place. Find the key elements of your identity and your purpose as you review the stories.

Module1 (3)
  • A printable guide to Jungian archetypes with a comprehensive list of different archetypes

  • A printable guide to common symbols and their meanings

  • A printable collection of curated collage images

  • A printable list of additional journaling prompts for working with your images

"I loved Minette's workshop. The journaling prompts she provided were both accessible and thought-provoking, pushing me to explore new depths of self-reflection that I hadn't reached on my own. The entire journey felt wholesome, leaving me with a renewed sense of appreciation for my personal growth." - Marleen K. 

If you have been feeling overwhelmed by life’s many difficult transitions in midlife and beyond, you might feel uncertain about where to go next on your healing journey. You may be dealing with the fallout from a significant life event, and it's hard to know where to begin when everything feels so raw and confusing. Or you might be seeking a deeper meaning in the events of your life.


After only six weeks with me in Soul Journey you will:

  • Gain confidence in your ability to shape your own life. 

  • Know exactly what areas of your life need your focus and attention.

  • Understand who the heroes and the villains are in your personal mythology.

  • Rediscover passions and interests that were put on hold for years (or even decades). 

  • Feel your creativity surge. Whether it's painting, writing, music, or any other creative pursuit, you will be inspired to continue your creative journey.

  • Find yourself part of a community of like-minded individuals offering support and shared experiences.

"I’ve discovered that not only does creative work produce end results, it’s the process itself that inspires productivity in other areas. Sitting quietly and putting images or colors on a page not only relaxes me, it opens my mind to ideas and concepts in other areas of my work. Whether you think you’re creative or not right now, this workshop will bring you peace and confidence that you are creative!" - Sherry Hess

"I don’t consider myself to be an artist in the truest sense of the word, but Minette helped me to understand that to be creative is our birthright. I was happily surprised at the pleasure I felt in taking the time to nurture that creativity. Minette’s teaching and playful assignments invited me to get curious and become intentional around bringing my creative gifts to the forefront and to understand how these play a role in the success of my business. I would recommend this course to anyone, get in touch with your creative side, it's fun!- Tracy Johannson


This Workshop Is for You If:

  • You are feeling lost, overwhelmed and off kilter but you can’t quite pinpoint why.

  • You are seeking answers to questions like “Who am I” or “What’s next?”

  • You are ready to do the deep work your soul is longing for

  • You are ready to finally feel empowered to pursue your creative dreams.Enter your text here.

I remember when I first discovered intuitive collage over a decade ago, it was as if a whole new world opened up for me that I didn’t know existed. Even though I had done a lot of journaling and dabbled in various arts and crafts, this felt different. It showed me how to make art this is meaningful and beautiful. It helped me to see and experience new aspects of myself that had been lost or buried. And perhaps most importantly, intuitive collage has been a powerful part of my healing journey over the past 12 years and something I return to over and over again. 

I want you to experience the magic of intuitive collage for yourself! You will always discover something about yourself you didn’t know. 

Your next step is to enroll in the Soul Journey class and begin your intuitive collage adventure today. 


Wondering if the Soul Journey workshop is for you? Here are answers to commonly asked questions.

  1. You won't need to spend hours each week on the short assignments although you may want to!

  2. You don’t need to have any special supplies or experience to play along. In fact, the supply list only has a few things on it and you mostly like have them at home already.

  3. You do not need to be an artist and may feel like: “I’m not very creative.” This is perfect for you. Intuitive collage is accessible, portable, playful and profound, a perfect blend of creativity and introspection.

  4. No, this is not a SoulCollage® or JourneyCircles™ specific class although I am certified in both methodologies. This is my own unique approach to using collage for personal growth.

  5. You don’t need to have any prior knowledge of Jungian archetypes, psychology or collage, you just need to have an open mind and heart. We will provide all the resources you need in the class. 

  6. Yes, you will have lifetime access to the Soul Journey workshop including future updates or additions to the course.


Meet your guide on the Soul Journey: Dr. Minette Riordan

I was that girl who always had her head buried in a book, everything from fantasy fiction and the odd Harlequin romance to philosophy and self-discovery. I remember one high school teacher looking at me oddly when I chose to write an essay about the existentialists... and my fellow classmates agreed my love of William Faulkner and Edgar Allan Poe was just one more weird thing about me. 

As I grow older, I spend more time going inward rather than looking for answers in a book. Although I am still a voracious reader, I love exploring the stories and memories of my past for clues that are sometimes elusive and sometimes obvious.

As someone personally experiencing all the ups and downs of midlife, I find that exploring clues of my past can offer insights and clues to my current sense of identity and purpose.My favorite way to explore my own stories is through art and writing.

To give you a little bit of the backstory, I have a Ph.D. from Stanford University. My childhood love of story turned into a doctorate in Spanish specializing in Latin American literature.

I have been teaching and facilitating creative processes for close to 30 years. I have taught at the high school, university and community college levels covering topics as diverse as feminist literature, world religions and time management for creatives.

I am a serial entrepreneur who loves building businesses and this is my third and favorite business, although I loved them all. Along the way I have gathered a long list of certifications and trainings in SoulCollage®, Zentangle®, JourneyCircles™ and am a Certified Depth Coach through the Journey Path Institute.

I am happiest when I am painting, walking in nature or facilitating creative experiences like the one I've creative just for you in Soul Journey. Please come join me and together let's unveil your personal mythology.

© Minette Riordan/Mindful Patterns, LLC 2024

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