
Here are some of my favorite people sharing their experiences with me:

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    I've discovered that not only does creative work produce end results, it's the process itself that inspires productivity in other areas. Sitting quietly and putting images or colors on a page not only relaxes me, it opens my mind to ideas and concepts in other areas of my work. Whether you think you're creative or not right now, this playshop will bring you peace and confidence that you are creative!

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    Working with Minette changed my creative life! For many years I stifled my creativity, mostly because of perfectionism and my drive to be productive. Being an "artist" felt scary and unattainable. After working with Minette I was able to enjoy the creative process and have fun exploring making art again. I am excited to unleash my inner artist in bigger and bolder ways!

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    I had no idea I was an artist, but a nudge from the universe pointed me to Minette's Wild Creative Abandon retreat in August. I am so grateful! Minette provides a safe space not only for allowing the sleeping inner artist to come out and play, but also to process whatever might be happening below the surface. The circle of women was an amazing supportive space to share all of the celebrations and vulnerabilities that came along with my creative expression. I also took home 3 pieces of painted art work that I'm very proud of. It was lovely to have all of the supplies provided, simple suggestions (no instructions) and support when I felt like I hit a wall in my creative process. I can't recommend this retreat enough!

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    After attending Minette's Wild Creative Abundance art retreat I went home with so much creative inspiration and curiosity for what I might create next in my life and in my art work. In our 2.5 days together we explored our inner landscapes with various mixed media techniques, creative prompts, and sharing in an intimate circle of amazing women. The weekend was filled with laughter, deep connection, new friendships, and an explosion of creative expression! Even though I didn't know anyone I felt liked I truly belonged. As a facilitator and retreat leader Minette brings so much passion for creating process art and making it very simple and accessible for all skill levels. She is a master of fun creative prompts and questions to get you diving deep into your own inner exploration. She created a beautiful, empowering, supportive, and deliciously rich art retreat weekend. I can't wait for the next one!

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    Have you ever wanted to try something new but didn't know where to start? Or wanted to go in a different direction but didn't know how to take the first step? I was in that situation and I needed someone to hold my hand and lead me into my future. Minette was that person. She helped me by starting where I was, my hopes and hang-ups together with my dreams and desires, and synthesizing them to create a vision of where I want to be, and how to grow my new business. She had the knowledge that I lacked and kept me focused on my goals instead of all the "shiny objects" that would distract me and did not align with my new purpose. She encouraged me, affirmed my efforts and was a great support during the waves of doubt and uncertainty that are natural during new ventures. Her reassurance of staying true to your passion and reminders that "growth takes time" were essential in taking the process one step at a time and concentrating on the now. The main target for me was not putting so much pressure on myself so that the joy in the journey would remain. I would recommend that if you need a fresh start or a new direction, Minette is the one who will help you make that happen!

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    Minette Riordan, Ph.D. is an entrepreneurial whiz. Without her, we would spin our wheels, but she patiently calls us back from our wild ideas and crazy side trips to keep our heads in the current game. She is patient, affirmative, kind and a great resource for any creative person trying to make a business out of something you love doing. I can't recommend her highly enough.

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    Before working with Minette, I had all the pieces, but wasn't sure how to put them together. She really helped me to visually make it all work together. Now, I feel that sense of clarity and focus. My biggest aha from our work together was understanding my pricing and my mindset around money. I have a much better sense of how to overcome the challenges of my mindset as well as how to leverage the positive aspects

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    As a homeschool mom to my 3 children, I had been dreaming of an art business for a long time. I only had shreds of time or ideas on how to do this. It felt like a magical and far off fantasy. I was having trouble manifesting this. When my kids began school I reached out to meet with Minette. Minette carries a strong presence and spacious demeanor. I felt brave and confident in her company. In the time we worked together she took me through a brilliantly thought out system to build the foundations and structure of my dream business. In this process I worked through high level concepts like values, strengths, ideal clients and money goals. To have the permission and space to let these details unfold was liberating. Minette works in a flow between learning content, nature nourishment and creative expression. It was fascinating and effective for me to galvanize my 'why' which emerged supreme. She built in time to walk and talk in natural settings. This helped me identify challenges moving forward in business while keeping my heart and body engaged in the process. She worked through the content responding to my pace all along. And the hours of painting and creativity was exhilarating to me! Spending time with Minette was truly a life altering experience for me. She is a God sent to me. I left this intensive with clarity and focus. I am so thankful to have begun this good work with her. I highly recommend her as a person and a wonderful coach.

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    I don't consider myself to be an artist in the truest sense of the word, but Minette helped me to understand that to be creative is our birthright. I was happily surprised at the pleasure I felt in taking the time to nurture that creativity. Minette's teaching and playful assignments invited me to get curious and become intentional around bringing my creative gifts to the forefront and to understand how these play a role in the success of my business. I would recommend this course to anyone, get in touch with your creative side, it's fun!

  • Mindful Patterns LLC

    When I started working with Minette, I felt confident with my art, but not where I wanted to go with it. I felt a bit lost and unsure how to move forward or if I even wanted to progress my art to a business. Through the work and discussions I came to realize that I needed to take action in my personal life to bring the results to my art. I now feel clearer both on how to be excited with my personal life, including changes I have already begun to make, and with the direction I want to focus on with my art while growing an art business I can be enthusiastic about.