118 Journal Prompts for Creative Self-Reflection
A 25-page e-book of 118 journal prompts for creative self-reflection.
Sacred Circles for Mindful Creative Play
Download this beautiful coloring book with 100 original designs to print, color, tangle or doodle.
The Self-Love Extravaganza: 28 Art Journal Prompts & 28 Affirmations.
Beautiful e-book filled with Affirmations and Art Journal Prompts.
Snowflake-Inspired Sacred Circle Designs
Printable of 12 original mini snowflake-inspired Sacred Circle designs created by Conner Dobson.
Famous Women Artists & Creatives
A printable list of 50 famous women artists and creatives to celebrate women's history month.
Creative Planning Your Way
A Collection of Printables, Prompts, and Self-Care Practice Pages to Create Your One-of-a-Kind Planner. Includes a video training detailing ideas on how to use the planner.
52 Printable Prompts Cards for Intuitive Collage
Intuitive collage is one of Minette's favorite creatives methods for self-discovery. People often ask her how to interpret their intuitive collage. Finally, here is the answer! A printable deck of prompts for journaling with and interpreting your intuitive collage. Includes a step-by-step guide to creating intuitive collage art.
100 Self-Love Coloring Pages & Affirmations
Download this beautiful coloring book with 100 original designs to print, color, tangle or doodle. Each page also includes an empowering affirmation for improving your relationship with yourself.